10 Things You Can Recycle

Waste Hauler in Houston


In the U.S., at least 10 million tons of newspapers are put into the trash each year. Around 75,000 trees are required just to produce one edition of the Sunday New York Times.

Facts like these highlight the need for more people to make use of the recycling center instead of putting everything into the trash bin. If you’re concerned about your carbon footprint, take steps to ensure the following 10 items end up at the recycling center and not in the trash:

1. Newspapers

Newspapers are one of the easiest materials to recycle. Doing so can help to save up to 60 percent of the energy required to make a brand new newsprint.

2. Mixed Paper

According to the EPA, paper comprises a third of all municipal waste in the U.S. It is also one of the easiest materials to recycle. From old documents to junk mail and everything in between, make sure your waste paper ends up at the recycle center.

3. Glossy Magazines and Ads

Magazines can also be recycled, even the full color highly glossy variety. This applies to mailed coupon flyers and advertisements as well.

4. Cardboard

Sending one ton of cardboard to the recycling center can save over 9 cubic yards of landfill space and 24 percent of the energy required to make new cardboard. Flatten cardboard well to conserve space.

5. Paperboard

The thin cardboard used for shoe boxes, product boxes and similar containers is also recyclable. Be sure to flatten this as well in order to save space in the recycling bin.

6. Plastic Drink Bottles

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic is used for water, soda and juice bottles. In the U.S., about 2.5 million plastic bottles are thrown away every hour. Recycling them helps the environment tremendously.

7. Plastic Product Bottles

Thicker plastic bottles used for shampoo, detergent and similar items can also be recycled. These bottles should be rinsed clean and their plastic tops removed and discarded.

8. Aluminum Cans

Aluminum retains its properties indefinitely, so it is an excellent candidate for recycling. Doing so requires 95 percent less energy than making brand new cans. Recycling aluminum lowers the urgency for mining new aluminum, which in turn helps to preserve the environment.

9. Steel Cans

Steel (”tin”)cans are still used for many canned products including fruits, vegetables, soups and coffee. They can also be recycled. Be sure to rinse them out before recycling them.

10. Glass Containers

Glass containers used in food and beverage packaging are 100 percent recyclable. They can be substituted for up to 95 percent of raw materials when new glass products are being made, making glass recycling highly friendly to the environment.

The more materials that can be sent to the recycling center, the better off the environment can be. These 10 items should always be recycled from both your home and your business. When in doubt, check with your local municipality to verify how and where these items should be recycled.

Source: LakeShore

Saving on Waste is a cost reduction consultant company. Our main office is in Houston, TX but we can work in all of The United States. We would work for you, the client, and always have in mind your needs and try to maximize savings.

01 10 thing you can recyle

Waste Hauler in Houston

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